I have been studying seo for a while and have started to impliment my own SEO strategy and need some opinions on it.
First off, i have a main keyword and two smaller searched keywords i want to rank for. I have a wordpress blog with 3 unique articles and each page headline and url corrospond to the keywords i’d like to rank for. All articles have good keyword density and pass ezine articles submissions so it’s good content.
so heres my strategy. I have submitted each article to exine articles and have linkes it with my main anchor text to each corrosponding page. 3 backlinks so far, all with a backlink of the anchor text i want to rank for.
now my strategy is to create linkwheels around each of my wordpress pages, and also add in some scribd and docstoc pages linking to my pages on wordpress, and also submit articles to the top article sites.
now all 3 of my articles have been written by getarticlesdone.com, and have been spun using their article mixer. I basically have 3 main articles, and about 100 spun versions of those articles available to use for web 2.0 and other article sites.
Now im slowly building backlinks by slowly building linkwheels around each page on my wordpress, and im using different keyword variations of my main keywords to use for titles, page urls, anchor texts and tags etc…
I will be building about 3-5 web 2.0 pages/article submissions randomly with random variations of my main keywords in order to seem most natural to search engines. I bookmark this way too with keyword variation headlines and tags and using different web 2.0 and sb sites each time.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Advanced SEO Strategy for 2010

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