1. Bookmark all your shit on different bookmarking sites, let’s say you want to rank high for “marketing”. Tag all your bookmarks with something that most people won’t use for marketing – something like “marketingz” or “marketing1″ (or whatever) – this is a bit important …
2. When your done go to each tag page on all the bookmarkingsites that you got your bookmarks on. Let’s say you have “marketing1″, “internetmarketing1″, “evilblackhatter32″ then go:
or.. do a simple search on yahoo for something like tag “marketing1″ if you’ve submitted to so many bookmarkingsites that you have a hard time actually keeping track of them.
3. Get the RSS-feeds
4. Submit all those RSS-feeds to RSS-scrapers, RSS-directories etc. via tools such as SeNuke, RSS-submitter etc.
5. Combine randomly and repeat 4
6. Combine randomly and repeat 4
7. Combine randomly and repeat 4
8. Combine……….. repeat 4
9. ….and so on.
9543110: Don’t overdo it, you’ll get banned forever by everyone!
Tool for randomly combining RSS-feeds into new ones:
Monday, August 9, 2010
Bookmarking + RSS Spamtechnique and boost backlinks

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