While I was surfing around on Digitalpoint I found out a way how to get more “backlinks” from your signature then supposed to.
First you will just need an account and as a regular DP member you probably know their is a limit of 4 links in every signature, if you want to add more you will get an error message!
So my first signature looked like:
[url=http://www.worldofwarcraftbots.com*]World of Warcraft Bots[/url*] – [url=http://eiwitten.org*]Eiwitten, Proteïnen, de ingredienten voor spieren[/url*] – [url=http://www.youllshitbricks.com*]You’ll Shit Bricks[/url*] – [url=http://www.lenigheid.net*]Lenigheidsoefeningen[/url*]
and that was the maximum I could do… Then I tried out something, I actually only wanted to add a sort of PHP other-image technique (like everytime you refresh the webpage their is a new dynamic image) and found out that the url I putted between the IMG tags became a link tag!
[url=http://www.worldofwarcraftbots.com*]World of Warcraft Bots[/url*] – [url=http://eiwitten.org*]Eiwitten, Proteïnen, de ingredienten voor spieren[/url*] – [url=http://www.youllshitbricks.com*]You’ll Shit Bricks[/url*] – [url=http://www.lenigheid.net*]Lenigheidsoefeningen[/url*] – [img*]http://www.anotherurl.com[/img*]
became: World of Warcraft Bots – Eiwitten, Proteïnen, de ingredienten voor spieren – You’ll Shit Bricks – Lenigheidsoefeningen – http://www.anotherurl.com (but then in clickable form).
Monday, August 9, 2010
Digitalpoint more backlinks

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