Two Small optimizations to increase Adsense Conversions
The first one I found while randomly browsing around the adsense settings. The idea is to filter out useless ads.
Sadly, even if your website is highly targeted you’ll get BS ads that just don’t convert at all and waste your websites time and thus your money.
Big note of warning: This only works well IF your adsense account is also niche targeted. If you are using one adsense account on VERY spread apart niches this first one probably won’t help you at all. Might even hurt you …. ‘might’.
* Filter out useless ad categories:
1. In adsense: Click on “Adsense Setup” up at the top.
2. In the top blue nav bar, click “Ad review center”.
3. You’ll see a list. CHECK each category which high impressions and low conversions. Why waste perfectly good advertising space on ads that don’t convert?
Like I said, be careful with that one. If you have niches that are far apart, then be careful to NOT accidentally block a relevant category.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Small Optimizations Tips to increase Adsense Conversions
8:39 PM
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